Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The many names of a nude

The last gallery I visited on First Thursday was the Piazza di Vino Wine Bar & Gallery, which had just one artist on display: Giusseppe Saitta. However, Saitta has some interesting variations in his style, which at first made me think the gallery had at least two artists.
Probably my favorites were the four or five that were hanging on the wall along the stairs -- bold greenish abstracts with a striking sense of shape and movement. I glanced at the titles and said to myself, "I don't know what makes one of these a nude study and the next one a tea party or a flight of dragons, but I like them."
It turns out, according to an artist's statement upstairs, that all the abstracts were actually photos of a draped nude edited in Adobe. He even had unaltered (or relatively unaltered) torso-to-thigh photos of his model wrapped in a sheer green cloth on one wall, so you can see what the original photos were before they were turned into abstracts. I was a little sad after I saw them, actually -- I liked the mystery.

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