Monday, August 27, 2012

Crow T. Robot

A couple weeks ago I went to the Green Chutes Gallery. A friend of mine was singing at Salt Tears in the same location, so I decided to bring my sketchbook.

First, the crow:

"Looking Off", by Melinda Bristol.

Then, the robot:

Part of "Monkey Robot," by Jason Sutton.

And, uh, they serve tea at Salt Tears. Yes. That will be my excuse for getting in the initial in my blatant MST3K reference.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

People with Animals on Their Heads (and an octopus)

I'm finally getting around to posting my drawings from First Thursday earlier this month. First up is my drawing of Jean Calomeni's "Bustle in Her Hedgerow" at the Basement Gallery:

 After that, I realized the Modern Hotel was having its annual Modern Art at the Modern Hotel, so I headed there. This is a sketch I did of a watercolor by Georgia Gelder. Only when I'd nearly finished did I realized I had a theme here: people with animals on their heads.

It was a fantastic theme while it lasted, but I realized I had to break it up when I saw Ben Brunn's delightful octopus painting. I love cephalopods.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mike Flinn at the Basement Gallery

I did a rough sketch of Mike Flinn's "Conversation with an Extrovert" at the Basement Gallery on First Thursday and colored it in later. Flinn had a lot of fun pieces like this, and it was entertaining listening in on some of the conversations of people looking at them. One guy who was standing next to me said either to me or to no one in particular, "I'm never having dinner with Mike Flinn." My favorite overheard snippet was another man talking to his friend about a Flinn painting a few feet away from me: "I like the symbolism, whatever it is. Oscar Meyer Wienermobile ... and a horse on fire, expelling flaming gases."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Noble Hardesty at VAC

I drew this version of a painting by Noble Hardesty quite a while ago when I saw Head at the Visual Arts Collective and have just taken my sweet time coloring it. But I was at VAC for New Year's Eve and it was still up, so you may be able to catch it and Noble's other pictures. If I remember right, there were also some great ones with wolves, pigs, and some King Kong-inspired ones. Noble's large paintings are displayed along with his preliminary sketches on beer coasters from Gernika.