Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm taking a camping trip this weekend, and have to prepare for it tonight and tomorrow night. When I get back, I'm going to be pretty busy weeknights because I've agreed to co-direct and stage manage Kitchen Witches at Stagecoach Theatre.

The good news is that I'll try to use my backstage vantage point to pass on some tidbits from Kitchen Witches on this blog. (I just won't be reviewing it, because of my massive conflict of interest.)

The bad news is, between the camping trip and rehearsals, which start next week, I'll be missing several First Thursdays and at least a few plays I would otherwise have seen (I had hoped to see All's Well That Ends Well at the Shakespeare Festival before closing night, but it looks like I won't even be able to see it closing night, and since Boys' Life by Climbing Tree Productions runs only one weekend, I won't get to review it before closing night). I'll try to get to a few galleries and plays on the weekends so things don't dry up here too much.


magdalene said...

Hi Lora,

Allison Remley here. Couple of things. One -- do you have an email address I could reach you at? I'd love to send you some updated PR information on "Boys' Life." Also, we do have one more performance after Aug. 2nd. We will be performing August 9th at the Neurolux at 7:00 PM. Hope this helps!

Lora V. said...

Hi Allison!

Go ahead and send me any more new info at lora_volkert[at]yahoo[dot]com -- I check that account a lot more frequently than the gmail account I used to set up this blog. Thanks for letting me know about the extra weekend on "Boys' Life" -- I'll try to plan on seeing it Aug. 2 and post a review before the final night. Break a leg!